Meet the transgender beauty queen who has spent £25k.  

Makeup artist Venus Brum, 32, has spent thousands to perfect her glamorous look - and has won competitions including Miss Birmingham 2010 and Miss Bristol 2013.

Transformation: Stunning Venus Brum, 32, wants to inspire others.

A transgender woman has beaten the bullies after spending £25,000 on surgery to become a beauty pageant queen.

Venus Brum, 32, who is a dead ringer for Nicole Scherzinger, has hundreds of admirers and a string of transgender beauty contest titles to her name - including Miss Birmingham 2010 and Miss Bristol 2013. Born a boy named Petronio, over the last three years she has spent thousands on surgery and treatments to perfect her glamorous look, including 34DD breast implants and bum fillers.

Now the makeup artist is hoping to inspire other transgender women to embrace who they are.

Venus, who is originally from the Philippines, but now lives in Birmingham, said: "Growing up, I always knew I was different from the other boys. I'd secretly dress in my mum's clothes and spend hours in my room wishing that I was a girl.

"Unfortunately, my friends and family were quite religious, so I couldn't tell them how I really felt.  "But I was still bullied mercilessly for my effeminate mannerisms.

"Complete strangers shouted 'gay boy' at me in the street and even blamed me for bad weather and natural disasters.  "I was miserable and hated myself." In 2009, Venus decided that enough was enough and moved to the UK to study health and social care.

There, she finally found the acceptance she needed to start living as a woman.

Using her savings, Venus splashed out £5,000 on hormones from the internet before successfully qualifying for hormone therapy on the NHS in 2011.

A year later, she spent £2,500 on breast implants to take her to a voluptuous 34DD. The size 6-8 beauty has also had bum fillers, a nose job and her ears pinned back and Adam's apple shaved - at a combined cost of almost £10,000.

And to maintain her camera-perfect smile, she has spent £6,500 on veneers and regularly has lip fillers.

Venus said: "It's a lot of money, but for me it's completely worth it.  "I finally feel like I was the woman I was always supposed to be.  "No-one can put a price on that."

With her newfound confidence, Venus began competing in beauty pageants across the world and now has a cupboard full of sashes and trophies.

Her titles include Miss Bristol, Miss Birmingham, Queen of All Seasons, Miss Mango Tree and Miss Exilio. Next year, she hopes to compete in the Miss International Queen competition, which is held in Thailand and is the largest and most prestigious transgender pageant in the world.

Venus said: "I love competing in beauty pageants, and I usually win.  "All of the girls are really friendly and I like making myself look glamorous like my idol, Nicole  Scherzinger.

"It's such an amazing feeling to strut my stuff down the catwalk and finally be proud of who I am.  "My mum even came to one of my recent pageants to cheer me on, and knowing I have her support means everything to me."

Single Venus is now on the NHS waiting list for full gender reassignment surgery.


She added: "It has been a long and painful journey, but I am so proud of the woman I have become and I can't wait to complete my transformation.

"I just want other transgender women out there to know that no matter how difficult things get, they will eventually find the confidence and acceptance they have always dreamed of.

"I don't think gender is defined by the sex you were assigned at birth.  "To me, I look and feel like a biological woman.  "Bullies may have made my life a misery, but they haven't stopped me from achieving my goals.  "I've gone from boy to beauty queen."


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